A Tribute

A tribute isn't always for a person that has passed away. A tribute could be for anyone who is very special to you. This a tribute for my mom. My mom is always there for me. She has been there for me my whole life. From when I was taken home from the hospital, to today. She helps me through problems and cares for me. She is also very encouraging and supports everything that I do. She always makes me smile when I'm sad, and she never fails to make me laugh. I haven't really had any near-death experiences with my mom, but I don't need an experience like that because I already know that I have an amazing mom. She is honestly one of my biggest role models and one day I hope to be like her.


  1. I absolutely loved this blog post good job with putting very expressive detail into it. By the way I love your blogger theme.

  2. Your mom sounds wonderful!

  3. The two of you are lucky to have each other. It is so nice that you appreciate her as you do.


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