If I Had to Work at a School

If I worked at a school I would probably be a middle school English/Language Arts teacher. I would be a English/Language Arts teacher because I love reading and writing. Reading and writing helps me escape from reality. 

I would enjoy being an English/Language Arts teacher because I would help students find books that they would never be able to put down. My classroom would be filled with all of my favorite books, and books that I know everyone will enjoy. Also, I would enjoy reading all of my student's writing.

I have always imagined being some type of teacher because I love helping people. If I were a teacher I would help students that are struggling to learn, and create new ways that make kids want to learn.

I imagine teaching seventh or eighth grade because seventh and eighth graders have very interesting thoughts, and always have new ideas, which would make very interesting writing topics.


  1. I would want to be a math teacher. Great reasons!


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