My Name!

My name is Emilia, (my nickname is Mia.) Sometimes I wonder what my name actually meant, but I never actually looked it up online until a couple days ago. My name means "rival." My parents definitely didn't choose my name because it meant rival, I think they chose the name Emilia because they liked the name a lot. My Dad had the idea to call me Mia when I was born. I also found out the other day Mia means "wished for child." Mia coincides with the Italian word "Mine." If I wasn't named Emilia, my parents were going to name me Lilly.

My middle name is Rose. My middle name is Rose because it's just been passed down on my mom's side of the family. My grandma's middle name is Rose, and two of my aunt's middle names are Rose. The name Rose means "kind." 


  1. I did not know your first name was Emilia, it shocked me! I'm glad I learned something new about you!


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