
Showing posts from December, 2016

A Special Gift I Received in the Past!

I have received many gifts in the past that are special to me, such as a cool toy I wanted when I was younger or concert tickets to see my favorite youtubers/bands. Those are extremely special gifts that I loved, but the most special gift that I have ever gotten was my dog Blossom. I got Blossom on Christmas Morning two years ago. She was about eight weeks old. She was on one of our couches with a bow on her back. I was so happy because I have always wanted a fuzzy white dog. I am so grateful that I got her two years ago because she is such a good dog, super crazy, and she makes me laugh a lot.

My Name!

My name is Emilia, (my nickname is Mia.) Sometimes I wonder what my name actually meant, but I never actually looked it up online until a couple days ago. My name means "rival." My parents definitely didn't choose my name because it meant rival, I think they chose the name Emilia because they liked the name a lot. My Dad had the idea to call me Mia when I was born. I also found out the other day Mia means "wished for child." Mia coincides with the Italian word "Mine." If I wasn't named Emilia, my parents were going to name me Lilly. My middle name is Rose. My middle name is Rose because it's just been passed down on my mom's side of the family. My grandma's middle name is Rose, and two of my aunt's middle names are Rose. The name Rose means "kind." 

If I Had to Work at a School

If I worked at a school I would probably be a middle school English/Language Arts teacher. I would be a English/Language Arts teacher because I love reading and writing. Reading and writing helps me escape from reality.  I would enjoy being an English/Language Arts teacher because I would help students find books that they would never be able to put down. My classroom would be filled with all of my favorite books, and books that I know everyone will enjoy. Also, I would enjoy reading all of my student's writing. I have always imagined being some type of teacher because I love helping people. If I were a teacher I would help students that are struggling to learn, and create new ways that make kids want to learn. I imagine teaching seventh or eighth grade because seventh and eighth graders have very interesting thoughts, and always have new ideas, which would make very interesting writing topics.