3 Goals I Would Have if I were the President of The United States.

If I were President of The United States I would have many goals for myself to try to make our country better, but these three goals would be the main ones I would try my best to achieve.

1. To stop world hunger. This doesn't really apply to The United States but using my power as the President, it would talk to the leaders of other countries to try to find ways to stop world hunger. I would find good programs to provide food for countries that suffer from starvation.

2. To make sure everyone that is unemployed will have a job. I will make sure everyone has a job because every one needs money to provide for their families, and just to take care of themselves in general.

3. For everyone to have equal rights. I would want everyone to have equal rights so that everyone will be happy and be less cruel to each other.


  1. Awesome Job Mia! If I were president I would want to do those things too, plus more!

    I just wanted to point out that this blog look like you really thought about it! Keep it up!


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