Let's Pretend This Title is Clever

Hello Mia! I would like to thank you for letting me hack your blog. It took a while because I couldn't figure out how to work your blog. OKAAAAAAY. It's May 23, 2017 and we are last minute studying for the math and science finals. (Not Eva tho bc she doesn't believe in studying.) (Mostly science because I mean who can actually study for math?) Mia, I know that you're freaking out about these finals, but you'll do fine. You and Jillian are talking about the Mandela Effect and The grey squirrel song. Something tells me we'll need that extra credit. Jillian wants to drill Eva's head. You got really excited because we are using each others chrome books. Oops. Eva is being abusive to me and Jillian. And also, you insist on calling your mom "Lia." Now Eva wants to work at a cemetery. Okay This is really random so imma go nowwww. Good Luck Love.



  1. Hey Mia, I wonder who wrote this amazing blog?


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