Graduation Speech

Hello all family, friends, teachers and Golf Middle School graduates. I can't believe our time at District 67 has come to an end. Even though our time here is over, the memories will stay with us forever.
I want to thank my friends, family, teachers and classmates. My friends have helped me come out of my comfort zone and made me laugh non-stop. This year my friends helped me come out of my comfort zone so much that they discovered I was the one distracting my table in Mrs. Joyner's class. All the friendships I've had in these nine years at District 67 have made me the person that I am today. Throughout kindergarten to eighth grade at District 67, with new and old friends, I have made so many amazing memories that I'll never forget.
Next, I'd like to thank my family for always being there for me and for supporting me. I wouldn't be anywhere without them, especially my parents. My parents always push me to do the best I can possibly do, and no matter what I do, they're always proud of me.
I'd like to thank the teachers at District 67. The teachers at District 67 are all amazing. They never stop believing in you, and they're always there to support you and help you do better. They want to help you achieve all of your goals, and allow you to be the best you can be. Also, they stay before and after school to help you improve, and they go above and beyond to help you everyday.
Finally, I'd like to thank all of my classmates. We truly feel like a family. We're all so supportive of each other and we have so many inside jokes and memories together. Even though everyone didn't go to both Hynes and Golf, it seems like we've known each other our whole lives. Our class is really special. I can't imagine all of my years at Hynes and Golf without this amazing group of people. I'll never forget all of the good times we've had. I wish you all the best in High school.


  1. That was a really good speech! Wish you the best when you have to present the speech!

  2. All the best to you in high school!

  3. Hope you have as many good times to reflect on when you finish high school. Enjoy the next four years.


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