
Showing posts from May, 2017

Let's Pretend This Title is Clever

Hello Mia! I would like to thank you for letting me hack your blog. It took a while because I couldn't figure out how to work your blog. OKAAAAAAY. It's May 23, 2017 and we are last minute studying for the math and science finals. (Not Eva tho bc she doesn't believe in studying.) (Mostly science because I mean who can actually study for math?) Mia, I know that you're freaking out about these finals, but you'll do fine. You and Jillian are talking about the Mandela Effect and The grey squirrel song. Something tells me we'll need that extra credit. Jillian wants to drill Eva's head. You got really excited because we are using each others chrome books. Oops. Eva is being abusive to me and Jillian. And also, you insist on calling your mom "Lia." Now Eva wants to work at a cemetery. Okay This is really random so imma go nowwww. Good Luck Love. ALEKS WAS HEREEEE

Graduation Speech

Hello all family, friends, teachers and Golf Middle School graduates. I can't believe our time at District 67 has come to an end. Even though our time here is over, the memories will stay with us forever. I want to thank my friends, family, teachers and classmates. My friends have helped me come out of my comfort zone and made me laugh non-stop. This year my friends helped me come out of my comfort zone so much that they discovered I was the one distracting my table in Mrs. Joyner's class. All the friendships I've had in these nine years at District 67 have made me the person that I am today. Throughout kindergarten to eighth grade at District 67, with new and old friends, I have made so many amazing memories that I'll never forget. Next, I'd like to thank my family for always being there for me and for supporting me. I wouldn't be anywhere without them, especially my parents. My parents always push me to do the best I can possibly do, and no matter what I ...

A Letter to My Fifth Grade Self

Dear 5th grade Mia, Don't worry about middle school. It isn't as bad as you think it will be, it isn't scary at all. All of the teachers are nice and your friends will be with you the whole time. You will have more freedom. In sixth grade, my advice to you is to continue reading everyday, because in the future, you will like reading even more. In seventh grade, my advice to you is to make the most of the year because a lot of your friends will be in your class, and just in general it will be a really fun year. In eighth grade, my advice to you is to focus on your work and not distract others, for example at your table in Mrs. Joyner's class. Also, don't be so hard on yourself and just try your best. You'll have a great time in your four very quick years at GMS. Have fun. From, Your future self.