My Life Quotes

Hello! These are my three life quotes that explain me very well! I picked the quote "Spread Happiness" -Colleen Ballinger/Evans because, there is lots of hate in the world, and everyone needs to share their happiness, and spread more happiness! This really describes me because it feels so amazing to make people's day better, and make them smile and laugh. I also picked the quote "She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans" because, I am a very determined person. I put lots of effort into all my school projects/school work, and I am determined to do the best that I possibly can. For my last quote, I picked "Winners don't always win... They just don't give up." This describes me very well because I play softball, and whenever I have a game/practice I try my absolute best to do everything almost perfect. Also I never give up, and cheer for my teammates.