
Showing posts from October, 2016

My Favorite Person From My Childhood

I had a lot of favorite people from when little. Such as very good friends from preschool, kindergarten, and my family. But my most favorite person was my Aunt Lisa. My younger brother and I called her Titi Lisa. I wanted to be by her all the time. I saw her as the coolest person ever. A couple times for Halloween when I was little I made her dress up like me. When I was in kindergarten I was going to be a Witch for Halloween, and I made her dress up as a Witch too. Also, in first grade, I dressed up as Cinderella for Halloween. Once again, I made her dress up as Cinderella too. She got me a very very sparkly dress from Walt Disney World (Which we got while she came with my family to Disney World because I begged my parents to bring her with.) When we went to Disney World I wanted to go on all the rides with her and I followed her every where. I remember she got me a charm bracelet (which I still have) and I got to pick out lots of charms with characters on them. My favorite thing I di

My Favorite Vacation I Have Gone On

I have gone on many vacations and road trips in my life. But by far, my most favorite vacation I ever went on was when I went to Mexico. I was in third grade. We went over the summer, with my cousins. It was amazing. The weather was so perfect. It was always a bright, sunny day, and there was barely any clouds in the sky! The resort was also amazing. It had so many pools, attractions, and a beach! (Here's a picture!) One day, we left the resort, and went to a park called Xel Ha. It was so fun. My family all went on a bridge trail, that was in the trees! I remember it being scary, because we were so high up, but it was still very fun! Also we went swimming in a river (there was rafts and you could ride along the river), and my cousins and my brother put on a life vest and did cliff diving! We went to a photo station and a worker there let us hold a Macaw for a picture! I remember seeing so many iguanas, and other wild animals that I have never even seen before!  In Mexi